My name is Kat Staub (she/they) and I work with dance, choreography, performance, visual art, drag, voice and teaching/facilitating. I am based in Berlin.

I am creating my work solo and in collaborations and work as a performer for other artists.My work revolves around themes of unconscious/hidden knowledge, queer perspectives on sexuality, sickness and storytelling, sometimes flamboyant and sometimes intimate with both spiritual, grotesque and satirical elements. From a personal-political perspective I like to explore both the hardcore and the gentle potentials of the art of performance.
I hold a BA in choreography from the University of Arts in Berlin, but I consider my education consisting of a manifold of more or less institutionalized frames and constellations, that I've encountered throughout my life. And my teachers in art, life, social work and poetic and spiritual processes are and have been many.

click here for cv